Earn Gift Cards Just for Shopping How to Get Honey Gold Rewards

How to Get Honey Gold Rewards at Your Favorite Stores and Earn Gift Cards

Earn Gift Cards Just for Shopping: How to Get Honey Gold Rewards at Your Favorite Stores


Shopping can be a fun and exciting experience, but it can also be expensive. However, what if you could earn gift cards just for shopping? With Honey Gold rewards, you can do just that. Honey Gold rewards is a program that allows shoppers to earn points, or “Honey Gold,” for purchases made at select stores. These points can then be redeemed for gift cards to popular retailers such as Amazon, Target, and Sephora.

The process of earning Honey Gold rewards is simple. All you have to do is sign up for a free Honey account, shop at participating stores, and earn Honey Gold rewards for your purchases. The amount of Honey Gold you earn varies by store and product, but you can typically earn up to 20% back on your purchases. Plus, Honey will notify you of any available coupons or discounts to help you save even more money while shopping.

Some of the popular stores that participate in the Honey Gold rewards program include Walmart, Macy’s, and Best Buy. With over 4,000 stores to choose from, there’s something for everyone. So why not earn gift cards just for shopping? Sign up for Honey Gold rewards today and start earning rewards for your purchases.

How to Earn Gift Cards

Signing Up for Honey Gold

To start earning gift cards with Honey Gold, users must first sign up for an account on the Honey website. This process is quick and easy, requiring only an email address and password. Once signed up, users will have access to a variety of rewards, including gift cards from popular retailers like Amazon, Target, and Sephora.

Shopping at Participating Stores

After signing up for an account, users can start earning Honey Gold rewards by shopping at participating stores. These stores include some of the most popular retailers in the country, such as Walmart, Macy's, and Best Buy. Users simply need to activate the Honey extension on their browser and make purchases as usual. Honey Gold rewards will be automatically added to their account within a few days.

Referring Friends

Users can also earn Honey Gold rewards by referring friends to the Honey program. When a friend signs up for an account using a referral link, both the user and their friend will receive a bonus of Honey Gold rewards. The more friends a user refers, the more rewards they can earn.

Special Promotions

Finally, users can earn even more Honey Gold rewards by taking advantage of special promotions offered by Honey and its partner retailers. These promotions can include bonus rewards for making a certain number of purchases, discounts on specific products, and more. Users should keep an eye on their Honey account and email for updates on these promotions.

With these simple steps, users can start earning gift cards just for shopping with Honey Gold.

Participating Stores


Amazon is one of the biggest online retailers in the world, and it's no surprise that they are a participating store with Honey Gold rewards. With Honey, you can earn up to 10% back in rewards when you shop at Amazon. This is a great way to save money while shopping for your favorite products.


Target is another participating store with Honey Gold rewards. You can earn up to 5% back in rewards when you shop at Target. This is a great way to save money on everything from groceries to home goods to clothing.


Walmart is a one-stop-shop for all your needs, and with Honey Gold rewards, you can earn up to 5% back in rewards when you shop at Walmart. This is a great way to save money while stocking up on household essentials, electronics, and more.

Best Buy

Best Buy is a popular electronics retailer, and with Honey Gold rewards, you can earn up to 4% back in rewards when you shop at Best Buy. This is a great way to save money on everything from laptops to smartphones to gaming consoles.


Sephora is a popular beauty retailer, and with Honey Gold rewards, you can earn up to 4% back in rewards when you shop at Sephora. This is a great way to save money on your favorite makeup and skincare products.

Overall, there are many participating stores with Honey Gold rewards, making it easy to earn rewards while shopping for your favorite products.

To register on Honey.com click here
After registration, download the extension on your browser from the same site

Watch the video for more information



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